Sponsor an Event

Reach new audiences

Sponsorships improve your brand’s recognition and overall reputation because they support specific events that your target audience cares about.  Your company’s name placement in-person and onsite, during heavily-trafficked events, and online, will yield high brand awareness and is an excellent return on your investment (ROI).  Your sponsorship can also provide a great source of new material for your content strategy like creating themes and hashtags, for example.

Consider adding your company’s name to one of Omaha’s most treasured outdoor events – in Omaha’s favorite outdoor venue, Turner Park.  Our Midtown Crossing team will welcome the opportunity to collaborate with your co-workers on a creative plan of reaching your customers.

Presenting and featured sponsorships are currently available.

For more information, email us at contact@midtowncrossing.com.

For information about hosting an event, click here.